How To Manifest Love Using The Law of Attraction

How To Manifest Love Using The Law of Attraction

I hear this often from a lot of my single friends; where is he? Where is my one great Love? In this post, we will go over how to apply the Law of Attraction in order to manifest love!

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What Is The Law Of Attraction?

Whether we realize it, or even truly believe it, our thoughts and feelings become magnets for the things we attract. If a person fervently believes they will be successful, and focuses on it, they always find success. On the flip side, if a person believes they are doomed to fail, and points their focus on that? They will always fall short in their endeavors.

This is the Law of Attraction in a nutshell – what we think, is what we are. This can go in any direction, as one’s thoughts do. Either by way of success or failure. Once you realize this and begin using this strategy to change your thought pattern, you can achieve anything you put your mind to!

So when speaking of romance, it’s actually natural to want to find love, and also think to yourself, “I’ll never be able to find it.” This simply isn’t true. You must change your mindset if you’re going to find a partner of your own!

What Is Manifestation?

When we “manifest” goals, we are not just deciding to make a plan and hope it happens. We are believing that the goal has already been achieved, and living as if it’s already happened! You aren’t just repeating a daily mantra that you “will find love this year.” You are believing that you have already found Love, that it is in the process of happening, and you are releasing that mental energy into the universe!

With The Law of Attraction, what you release into the Universe, the Universe delivers. So if you are releasing self-doubt, fear, and anxiety, what do you get in return? Those exact things you don’t want! Once you start Believing that you deserve the good things you desire, living as if they aren’t just possible (but attained!), does the Universe provide the actions and ability to achieve!

I know this sounds like New Age hippie bullcrap, but trust me, it works! And if you’re single and looking for love, why not just try it? You’ve got nothing to lose, right? So why not try to manifest love?

Ways To Explore The Law Of Attraction

Maybe you stumbled upon this and aren’t exactly ready to manifest love yet. That’s ok! If The Law Of Attraction is new for you, research it, and test it with smaller goals first.

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You can find a variety of books that explain The Law of Attraction and give tips on daily affirmations to help your focus. You can also write your own affirmations, which we’ll discuss in this post as well.

The hardest part of Manifestation for anyone is believing in not just the power of positivity. But believing in yourself enough to take action when opportunities present themselves, and to not fear failure.

How To Manifest Love

If you are finally ready to take the plunge back into the dating pool, you need the right mindset before you start! Remember, you attract what you are, and vice versa. So let’s work on getting the frame of mind correct for the occasion.

Do Daily Affirmations To Manifest Love

In order to reprogram our minds for the things we desire, affirmations are an essential tool. You can’t project your goals if you don’t believe them, and this is the best way to start believing you deserve love!

Daily Affirmations for Love are the best way to begin programming your mindset to exactly what you want and trusting them. Repeat these as a mantra to manifest love, and don’t just say them (or write them, if that’s your preference). Believe you can do it!

Some of my favorite affirmations for Love include,

  • I am grateful for an abundance of Love!
  • I Love who I am and so does my partner!
  • I am worthy of Love
  • I am open to Love!
  • I am Loved!

Notice anything? We aren’t speaking about a certain individual – we are simply projecting not just romantic Love, but Self Love! it’s true that you can’t love anyone if you don’t love yourself. In order to find that blissful, romantic love we all want, you have to have a love for yourself. When you do love yourself, others are drawn to that energy.

You can say these affirmations out loud, write them down in an affirmation journal, or meditate (or, pray) on them. Whatever method you wish to use, make sure you aren’t just making this a daily routine-but you believe them.

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Focus On Your Ideal Mate When You Manifest Love

When we manifest love, it’s important to have the kind of partner we want to attract in mind. Not only is this important just to find love, but to make sure we don’t attract anything undesirable.

Focus on the type of partner you want to find in Love. manifest the kinds of traits, qualities, and other positive aspects of the kind of romantic partner in your interest. Not only will this help you manifest love, but also keep your eyes on the prize and not be distracted by outcomes that aren’t in your best interests.

Not only can the Universe not help you find Love if you don’t know what it is you’re looking for, but you can’t either. Decide exactly what it is you’re looking for so you can recognize it when Love appears, and act on it!

Speak With Intention

When we manifest love, we must do so with intention. This is different than just “wishing” to have a romantic love affair and hoping it will come true!

Your affirmations, meditations, and focus should be done with the true intent of action and results behind it. If you really want love, you must intend on finding it with all of your energy.

If you don’t truly believe you are ready, open, and deserving of the things you manifest, the universe cannot deliver!

manifest love

Author: Jasmine

SAHM to one little boy, and wife to a former member of the USMC. I blog about parenting, relationships, brands I love, and product reviews!

26 thoughts on “How To Manifest Love Using The Law of Attraction

  1. Love this post. I really believe in manifestation and positive thinking. I think it does make a difference to what happens around you

  2. In my experience, I have learned that it is not about the situation that makes you happy or sad. It’s about your mind process, how you take the situation. Positive thinking is a game changer here.

  3. I am just digging in deeper to manifestation and it is truly amazing how your thoughts become your reality.

  4. I love this post! I’ve been wanting to incorporate more manifestation into my life and here’s my nudge!

  5. Agood reality check on the power of positive thought and attitude.Dating is no easy game and a positive attitude is always going to help you succeed.

  6. Really believing you’re worthy of love is a very important mantra to tell yourself daily. I think so often we forget this.

  7. I am a big believer in the power of affirmations. I hope this helps those looking for love to attract that which their soul desires!

  8. This is an interesting read. I do think that when we invest in a relationship, our feelings of love will grow. Makes sense!

  9. Thanks for sharing this detailed post with us today. I’m a huge fan for affirmations and a positive mindset

  10. Positive thinking is always a good idea. I love the idea of putting out what you want to get in return. Very cool.

  11. I am a big believer in positive thinking…I think we definitely have the ability to manifest love and other positive opportunities when we change our perspective.

  12. I absolutely believe in the LAW of attraction. Even in a relationship this is great advice because you don’t need new love to manifest it.

  13. I would’ve never thought of manifesting love. However, now that I think of it, I used to always think about my future husband and our life together. So maybe I did manifest it!

  14. Manifestation is so important in a relationship. We really try to share affirmations in the morning and the evening.
    Thank you for some ideas

  15. I am a firm believer of you saw what you reap.The law of attraction is important to me and you get what you put out there.

  16. Ok, that was fascinating. I’ve never done any work around the law of attraction – I’ve always worked and hoped for my goals. Thanks for teaching me something today! I need to do some more reading and studying on this topic!

  17. I also believe that manifestation is very important for a healthy and strong relationship. Thanks for these great guidance.

  18. I love learning more about the law of attraction and manifestation. It’s so fascinating and makes perfect sense that the energy we put out is the energy we get back.

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