4 Powerful Email Marketing Tips You Need Now

4 Powerful Email Marketing Tips You Need Now

Email Marketing is probably one of the most important aspects of any thriving eCommerce-run business. But what do you really need to focus on? Let’s go over 10 powerful tactics that will get you better returns for your online business.

This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.

Need Help With Your Email Marketing Strategy?

It never hurts to let the pros handle certain aspects of your business, or give you a nudge in the right direction. Along with trying the tips below, seek out an eCommerce email marketing agency to maximize your potential!

But if you’re looking for things you can do on your own, try these effective methods for gaining traffic, and leads, within your mailing list.


Use Engaging Subject Lines

The first thing people see when they open an inbox are the subject lines of the emails. You usually skip over the ones that sound “too sales-y,” or even just plain “boring.” So make your subject line exciting!

Write an engaging “cliffhanger” that will not only intrigue your readers but make them actually want to open the email immediately! It’s more effective than just announcing you have a new product in the subject line; make them wonder what it is!

Keep Engaging Your Subscribers

People have signed up for your mailing list for a reason, and it’s not always just to know when you have a new product. If you’re a blogger who offers paid services or a business with interesting products, one thing is clear – people like you(or, your brand)! They want to be notified whenever you have something new to offer, even if it isn’t just another thing to buy.

Consider different ways to keep your audience engaged via email. Offer discounts exclusively to your subscriber list, or write new blog posts and push notifications. The main goal is to not only interact when you have something to sell; but rather give those who have signed on to receive your emails something to look forward to, always.

Create A Schedule & Stick To It

No one wants to be labeled a spammer. On the flip side, you don’t want to be too inconsistent with your email marketing either. Create a schedule for your mailing list that you’re comfortable with – and stick to it.

The majority of people check their email at least once a day. So while you probably don’t want to send out daily emails, you need to at least have a regular schedule of engaging content to notify your subscriber list of what you have to offer.

Keep It Short & Sweet

It’s important to remember that many of your mailing list subscribers read their emails on their mobile phones. The last thing you want is someone to begin avoiding opening them because they’re “too long.”

You should have one major call to action within each email – and don’t beat around the bush. Keep your content inside engaging, but to the point. When including a cliffhanger subject line, people will naturally want to click-through to your site to get all the extra information if you give them the basic, “need to know” stuff upfront.

Author: Jasmine

SAHM to one little boy, and wife to a former member of the USMC. I blog about parenting, relationships, brands I love, and product reviews!

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