Why We Need Female Entrepreneurs Now More Than Ever

Why we need female entrepreneurs now more than ever before…

Female Entrepreneurs are needed now in the marketing and influencer industries, so much more than previously. The gender gap is real, and women need to realize their potential, and power.

This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.

Female Entrepreneurs Are In Demand

Statistically speaking, only 40% of entrepreneurs today are women. This is a huge gender gap that should be addressed. While historically, we do have many more businesswomen than we did 20 or even 10 years ago, this is still a little discouraging.

More women should not only be present in the business world, but they should be encouraged in their business ventures, and to challenge the glass ceilings. Business is typically a Man’s World after all, but it shouldn’t be this way.

More BusinesswomenWe Have Now, More Will Develop In The Future

Young women look up to their older, more mature counterparts. The only way to encourage our younger generations is by example.

More girls will grow up with dreams of becoming businesswomen the more they see it in real-life. Many adult women have seen their peers, like Angela Wei, do amazing things in the world of marketing. They want to follow suit!

The only way to combat the gender gap is to create more opportunities for female entrepreneurs, and act on them ourselves!

We need economic growth

It’s been shown that women have far better capabilities to create markets within different niches, that men can not. Sure, anyone can open a business, but only having one gender do so, is creating a lack of diversity in the supply/demand market. When female entrepreneurs create new businesses, more job opportunities open up for all. This trickle-down economic effect is beneficial for society as a whole.

Learning the skills it requires to run a successful business isn’t just good for the overall economy but teaches resilience to our female counterparts. Any time a woman can learn management, financial, and marketing skills, it not only teaches her how to make her own way. It teaches the next generation of girls that they can do the same, solidifying financial sustainability. This also teaches independence and challenges gender-norms, which is a huge societal issue.

How Do We Create Change?

By encouragement, promoting education, and providing resources. There are many scholarships and grant opportunities targeted at women who want to make their way in the business world. It doesn’t matter how old you are, anyone can go back to college!

Fighting against the glass ceiling and promoting women to higher positions, and shrinking the pay gap, also helps create chances for more women to succeed. Big risks, but bigger rewards.

In order to have more women become interested in pursuing their entrepreneurship dreams, we must show examples of achievement. Without opportunity, examples can not come forward to claim their goals. This can only be accomplished by a collective society -men, and women- understanding just how beneficial it is to have female entrepreneurs!

Author: Jasmine

SAHM to one little boy, and wife to a former member of the USMC. I blog about parenting, relationships, brands I love, and product reviews!

20 thoughts on “Why We Need Female Entrepreneurs Now More Than Ever

  1. I admit I am quite critical on this subject. I am of the opinion that the most important thing, in any field, is competence. Then to me the shares pink, black etc … I don’t care. Gender and race are of little importance in the face of merit.

  2. Absolutely, we do! Loved reading this! I also read that over 80% of female entrepreneurs are struggling right now in 2020 thanks to Covid, so this is oh so important!

  3. Being an entrepreneur is a great idea, especially for moms living through this pandemic. Thanks for your encouraging words here.

  4. 👏 for this post! My husband and I both went back to school at an older age and are now in entrepreneurial-ish roles. We were also just having a conversation on our walk this evening about people needing examples to do great things. (Our example was Mt. Everett. It started with one man summiting it to inspire another, and another. We definitely need to continue, as women, to be an example for other women and achieve greatness!

  5. I completely agree with this. To help make this happen I do feel there needs to be more support given to mjms who would like to become entrepreneurs to enable them to flourish.

  6. I agree, more women entrepreneurs! I used to be an entrepreneur, but I’m presently taking a break to homeschool and raise our family. In a few years I’ll pick it up again!

  7. I believe that there is definitely a gender bias in some areas and that needs to be directly addressed, but I also believe that the person who is best fit for the job should get the position regardless of their gender, race, politics, etc. Great post!

  8. Yes, we need more women to go in business because women can also be successful entrepreneurs like men.

  9. Yes! It’s so nice to have women in my circle who are supportive of me as I am of them. It makes a difference, more so when you’re starting out.

  10. This is very timely, especially with all that is going on. I definitely agree that “The only way to encourage our younger generations is by example.” Great post!

  11. This ! We need more female entrepreneurs, more role models for other young women to see it can be done! Each one teach one. Each one reach one

  12. I absolutely agree with this. I am a female entrpreneur myself. We just have a different way of thinking about things.

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