5 Ways To Show Your Husband You Love Him

5 Ways To Show Your Husband You Love Him Today…

It’s easy to get wrapped up in a hectic lifestyle – the balance of careers, parenting, and home life, can take a toll on your relationship. Even if your marriage isn’t in danger, forgetting to stop and show you care, isn’t a habit you want.  And that can lead to trouble down the road.

Here’s 5 Easy Ways to shower your husband with surprise affection, to let him know you’re thinking about him, and strengthen your bond together as a couple.

Take Time To Talk (And End With Love)

I’m a work at home Mom – and before that, I was a stay at home Mom. So I understand what it’s like to have very little adult interaction. Once my husband gets home, it can sometimes lead to a verbal diarrhea of everything that’s happened in my day. There’s nothing wrong with this, as long as I’m willing to also listen to his day.

If you’re willing to scale back just a tad, take time to only hear about what has went on in your husband’s life, outside the home. Allow him to speak and let the conversation go in his direction. It’ll give him the opportunity to share on his own, and open the levels of communication more. I’m not saying don’t contribute to the conversation – I’m just saying, let the focus be on him for a change. You will have an opportunity to share your own day!

The point is to let your husband know that you care, and you’re supportive! And always take a moment to let him know-that you love him.

Cook His Favorite Meal

This is incredibly handy when you know your spouse is having a rough time. Just the simple task of cooking a favorite dish, can show your husband you love him, without saying it.

It’s the little things like General Tao’s Chicken that will make him feel more at ease, and allow him to realize that you do pay attention!

Plan A Date Night

We all need time away from the kids. But while Moms tend to pine for nights without the children, we sometimes put the pressure on our husbands to make it so. Plan a date night for just the two of you-even if you never leave the house. Coordinate a sitter, and when your husband comes home, tell him “it’s our night, tonight.” He’ll appreciate the fact you set up time for just the two of you. Even if you make it an “at home date,” and just have the kids with a sitter next door, or relative.

This is one way to show your husband you love him, and to how that you have a romantic side as well.

Help Him With A Project (Even If It’s Just Chores)

Everyone wants a spouse who is genuinely interested in what they’re doing. While helping hang shelves, or change oil, might not be fun (or romantic). But showing a genuine interest in his projects, is a subtle sign of affection. You don’t have to like looking at light fixtures for the porch lights he wants to replace. But, your husband will appreciate that you’re not only spending time with him, but you’re offering support and assistance.

Whether it’s catching up on laundry, or offering to hand him a wrench. Being present while he accomplishes projects and tasks, can really show your husband you love him. And, make him more likely to help you when you need it.

Make Love To Him

Humans have an instinct to be drawn towards each other….this means sex if you haven’t figured it out by now. Not only does the act increase endorphins, boosting mood; but it helps to bring you closer together in the grand scheme of your marriage! Not only does he need it – but you do too.

No, it’s not always easy to do. Kids, jobs, responsibilities; they all take a toll on your sex drive. That’s why it’s important that if you can’t be spontaneous, you need to at least make an effort to create time for it. People can feel unloved, unattractive, and slighted if their partner never initiates love making. So be the one to stir the post, so to speak.

This is a good realization for Moms who find themselves never initiating relations (because the kids, the job, the LIFE has you whooped at the end of the day). Your husband doesn’t want to be the pursuant all the time – he wants to be pursued! Making your husband feel attractive and wanted, is the best way to show your husband you love him – and the easiest!

But if you find yourself on the other side of that coin – and you are always the one to “start things,” then you need to communicate on a deeper level to find out why.

Now, on the other hand – if after childbirth, you just haven’t any sexual desire or drive at all – it might be something you need to consult with your doctor about.

Love Isn’t Effortless

Neither is marriage. Both parties need to put forth equal amounts of time, and energy.

Hopefully these pointers will help you to show your husband that you love him today. And best of luck on the continuing journey of strengthening your relationship!

5 Easy Ways To Show Your Husband You Love Him #love #marriage #relationships

Author: Jasmine

SAHM to one little boy, and wife to a former member of the USMC. I blog about parenting, relationships, brands I love, and product reviews!

6 thoughts on “5 Ways To Show Your Husband You Love Him

  1. Wow, this has definitely reminded me to refocus on my relationship with my husband, which I feel happens every few months! Things get crazy and those little things that actually do matter don’t even come to mind on a day to day basis. After Easter, I may make my move. Of course letting him talk about whatever he want first :). Thank you for these tips!

  2. My husband and I have been trying to be better about date nights.It is hard with three kids, but we have been much more succesful this year than last!I also like cooking at home with him. Makes the cooking part easier and we get to spend time together.

  3. I’m sure you made a lot of husbands happy with this post. LOL! But all of the points are realistic for any married couple.

  4. These are such great ways to show your affection to your loved ones. They works for any couple, not just husbands.

  5. Such great tips! Marriage take constant work and commitment. It so important in my marriage to put each other first. It’s helps us be less selfish and it helps the other flourish.

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