Most Common Reasons Some Women Lose Their Hair

Most Common Reasons Some Women Lose Their Hair

It’s not a new, or uncommon phenomena – some women lose their hair! While it’s certainly not the end of the world, may do wonder why this occurs, and how in certain cases, they might be able to prevent it.

This is a sponsored post by Fibloica. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine and not swayed in any way. This post is not intended to treat, or diagnose, in any way. You are encouraged to speak to your Doctor if you have any concerns with hair loss. This post contains affiliate links.

Most Popular Reasons Behind Female Hair Loss

We’ll start with the most popular reasons why some women experience hair loss – you’ve probably heard of them all before.

  • Cancer and Radiation treatments have reported hair loss as a side-effect of certain medications, the severity varying.
  • Alopecia (in it’s varying forms)is an auto-immune disease that attacks hair follicles. Each case is different, and while some may experience thinning hair, others may lose clumps in only a few spots. Some, may lose it all.
  • Protein Deficiency sufferers report hair loss. In order to grow hair, you need proteins! So if you are dieting, it’s important to ensure you’re still getting the right amount of proper nutrition, so you can shed pounds, not hair.
  • Menopause – it’s part of the Circle of Life, and every woman goes through it. Because of the drop in your hormones, women do experience hair loss on their scalp. Unfortunately, it can reappear, in places you don’t want it.

But here’s a few reasons women lose their hair that you may not be aware of…

  • Childbirth – because of the many hormonal changes you will experience throughout your pregnancy, it’s pretty common to lose a few strands (or a significant amount of hair loss) after you’ve delivered your baby. It’s because of the surge of estrogen you receive during your pregnancy. The thick hair you grew accustomed to during those 9 months may begin shedding – although some women report thinning hair, more so than normal, post-baby as well. Which a possible culprit of that scenario…
  • Birth Control – because of the introduction to new hormones, or just the change in hormones itself, your birth control can also do weird things with your hair. Like make it thin, or fall out.
  • Certain Medications – which can vary from blood-pressure, to HIV meds, to even anti-depressants. Hair loss is just a common side-effects, so it might be a good idea to discuss this with your Dr if you’re experiencing hair loss due to your medications.

Now, for the “not as widely known” causes…

  • Dandruff – yes, that flaky, annoying reason behind your scalp scratching, could even be making your hair fall out! If over the counter dandruff shampoos aren’t cutting it, go see your dermatologist to rule out psoriasis (or at best, get a good prescription).
  • Stress – stress is actually a very good factor when it comes to reasons why women lose their hair. And experiencing hair loss, can make you stressed! Why is stress such a factor? Following traumatic events, your body will stop hair growth production, in order to focus on other vitals to get you through a rough patch of Life. This can mean an illness, a major life change (such as birth, death, divorce) or even a sudden change in weight. Whatever stresses you put your mind and body to, it will affect your hair.
  • Tight Hairstyles and Over Processing – while we Moms love the tight, messy bun, and cornrows are in style, one thing to consider; the toll on our scalps. Because the dying, blow-drying, bleaching, and heat-styling we subject ourselves to, isn’t helping either. it’s not something we may want to admit, but the styling and coloring tools we love, is probably contributing to the damage, and therefore loss, of our beautiful locks.

How Fibolica Can help With Thinning Hair…

Now we that know some of the reasons why women lose their hair, we can help to repair, and hopefully, restore it. discussing things with you doctor, and certain lifestyle adjustments, can help slow or prevent the process of hair thinning and loss.

Author: Jasmine

SAHM to one little boy, and wife to a former member of the USMC. I blog about parenting, relationships, brands I love, and product reviews!

2 thoughts on “Most Common Reasons Some Women Lose Their Hair

  1. Wow I never thought putting my hair in a tight bun would be adding to my hair thinning! During pregnancy I grew so much hair, straight after it started falling out so I kept tying it up in a bun as the shedding hair was driving me bonkers… suppose I should probably stop doing that before I go bald!

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